There was no rhyme or reason, whether I powered the Envy or the computer first or whatever. Sometimes the Envy worked and sometimes it didn't. I'd tried the hp-check, hp-doctor, installing the most current hplip available from the HP website and everything else I could think of. and maybe assigning it a Static IP helped. I don't really understand it, but apparently the key to "fixing" all the issues was to go ahead and hook the Envy up to my Desktop via USB.

My laptop also works reliably and wirelessly with the Envy now. One for the USB connection and one for the wireless presence so I can access it via my browser. There are however, 2 instances of the Envy in my Printers folder in System Settings on my Desktop computer. I'm finally happy with the Envy now and it is reliable. you can do everything from the browser's Envy GUI, that is available from the front panel of the Envy. The options are greater that way than with Simple Scan. I can now use Simple Scan, BUT, an even better way to scan is to open my browser and go to the Envy's IP Adx and do a web scan via the GUI there. It's outside of some router dynamic range or another so there is no router conflict. it's important to use a high number like 252. The envy is still connected wirelessly to the LAN as well. I connected the Envy via USB to my Desktop computer (that "fixed" the Simple Scan - No Device Found) After battling with it to try and have it as just a wireless printer on my LAN, I gave up