owner’s manual: English,, Other Options of '-6' and '-7' are added in the EVF BRIGHTNESS setting. 2020 9 25 sbb pro2 key programmer updated to v48. The firmware update Ver.3.10 from Ver.3.00 incorporates the following issues: For detail about added and changed functions below, refer to X-Pro2 owner’s manual Ver.3.10. When programming For Ford vehicle, it does not need pin code. newest auto immobilizer v48.99 sbb pro2 obd car key programmer support cars to 2018 multi langauge sbb key maker tool gbp 71.73 89.72 / piece obd2 hh obd elm327 v1.5 bluetooth obd2 can bus check engine car auto diagnostic scanner tool interface adapter for android pc. SBB Pro key programmer copies chip according to car model, and it programs key not clones key, you only needs to insert SBB 16-pin interface into your car OBD2 diagnostic seat, then read out immobilizer pin code from immobilizer dump/EEPROM of the car before writing it into new blank key. Follow the instructions showed on the SBB screen. New SBB PRO2 Key Programmer Updated to V48.99 Version, support new cars to 2017.12, like for Acura 2017, for Chevrolet 2017, for Buick 2017, for Cadillac. like for Acura 2017, Chevrolet 2017,Buick 2017, Cadillac. The Maxiflash J2534 interface is a very good tool but you will require the software to have the J2534 operate correctly with the computer. (3) Insert SBB 16-pin interface into your car OBD2 diagnostic seat. Now SBB PRO2 Key Programmer Updated to V48.88 Version.support new cars to 2017.12. (1) Before running SBB Pro key programmer, please insert the blank new key into your car keyhole.

It is a new generation of the SBB Key Programmer, the replace version They all feedback it works perfectly for what they paid. do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers post id: 7595846930. Language: English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish Version: V48.88 Supports Toyota, Honda and Ford till Year 2017.12 No tokens limitation The free SBB Pro2 V48.88 software is supposed to work with the interface from China, like this: From July to September,912 pieces are sold. SBB PRO2 Key Programmer Tool V48.99 No Token Limited Support New Car to 2017. SBB PRO2 Key Programmer Software Version: V48.99 like for for Chevrolet 2017, for Buick 2017, for GMC 2017, for Ford 2017, for Dodge 2017, for Toyota 2017. Now SBB PRO2 Key Programmer Updated to V48.88 Version. Operation by means of a menu guided programmingĢ. SBB PRO2 V48.Deactivating keys no longer in the car owners possession Language: English,Italian,Germany,French,Spanish,Portuguese,Turkish Here’s the SBB PRO2 V48.88 Immo and Remote Key Programming Car List: